Proway Academy

+91 - 9311498828

Empower Your Career with Programming Languages

MERN Stack Course in Delhi

Our MERN Stack Course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of full-stack web development using the MERN technology stack.

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Why Should You Learn MERN Stack in 2024?

Learning the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Stack in 2024 offers a strategic advantage in the dynamic landscape of web development. Here are compelling reasons to delve into the MERN Stack this year:


Full-Stack Proficiency

Mastering the MERN Stack equips you with end-to-end development skills, covering both frontend (React) and backend (Node.js, Express.js) technologies, enhancing your versatility as a developer.


Industry Relevance

The MERN Stack is widely adopted in the industry, especially for building robust and scalable web applications. Learning it aligns with current industry trends and positions you for sought-after opportunities.


Rapid Development with React

React, a key component of the MERN Stack, enables rapid and efficient frontend development. Its component-based architecture and virtual DOM contribute to creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces.


Large Developer Community

The MERN Stack boasts a large and active developer community. Access to community resources, libraries, and frameworks facilitates learning, collaboration, and problem-solving.


Real-Time Capabilities

MERN Stack includes technologies like for real-time communication. This is crucial for developing features like live chat or collaborative applications, enhancing the user experience.


Innovation in Web Development

Staying current with MERN Stack reflects a commitment to innovation in web development. Its modern architecture and tools position developers to adopt emerging technologies and industry best practices.



Our trainings are designed to offer you an immersive learning experience with live projects and applications.  Never be the oridinary again!


Our Academy offers that extra edge to  give your career the boost that would allow you to create your niche in your professioal field.  Get ready to be in demand!


Courses and programs backed with professional certification that would add even more value to you current resume . Boosting your employability 10x!



MERN Stack Course Content


  • Module 1 – Introduction to HTML
  • Module 2 – Basic HTML Structure
  • Module 3 – HTML Document Structure
  • Module 4 – HTML Elements and Tags
  • Module 5 – HTML Attributes
  • Module 6 – HTML Forms


  • Module 7 – Introduction to CSS
  • Module 8 – CSS Selectors
  • Module 9 – CSS Properties


  • Module 10 – Introduction to JavaScript
  • Module 11 – JavaScript Basics
  • Module 12 – Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Module 13 – JavaScript Events
  • Module 14 – Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Module 15 – JavaScript Error Handling
  • Module 16 – JavaScript ES6+ (ECMAScript 2015 and beyond)


  • Module 17 – Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Module 18 – Getting Started with Bootstrap
  • Module 19 – Bootstrap Layout
  • Module 20 – Bootstrap Components


  • Module 21 – Getting Started with GitHub
  • Module 22 – Repositories
  • Module 23 – Git Integration


  • Module 24 – React Basics
  • Module 25 – Component Types
  • Module 26 – Routing
  • Module 27 – State Management
  • Module 28 – Hooks
  • Module 29 – Forms
  • Module 30 – Styling
  • Module 31 – API Integration


  • Module 32 – Introduction to MongoDB
  • Module 33 – MongoDB Installation and Setup
  • Module 34 – Data Modeling with MongoDB
  • Module 35 – CRUD Operations in MongoDB
  • Module 36 – Aggregation Framework
  • Module 37 – Data Validation and Schema Design
  • Module 38 – MongoDB Query Language
  • Module 39 – Using MongoDB in Development and Production
  • Module 40 – Introduction to Express.js
  • Module 41 – Setting Up Express.js
  • Module 42 – Routing in Express.js
  • Module 43 – HTTP Request Handling
  • Module 44 – Middleware in Express.js
  • Module 45 – Templates and Views
  • Module 46 – Form Handling and Validation
  • Module 47 – Express.js and Databases
  • Module 48 – Authentication and Authorization
  • Module 49 – RESTful API Development


  • Module 50 – Basics
  • Module 51 – Core Concepts
  • Module 52 – File System (fs) Module
  • Module 53 – HTTP and Web Servers
  • Module 54 – Data Storage
  • Module 55 – Authentication and Authorization
  • Module 56 – Package Management
  • Module 57 – Error Handling
Python Programming

After completing a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Stack course, you gain a versatile skill set that opens doors to various opportunities in the field of web development.

What You Can Do After MERN Stack Course Completion?


With proficiency in both frontend (React) and backend (Node.js, Express.js), you can pursue roles as a Full-Stack Developer, contributing to the entire web development process.

Specialize in frontend development by focusing on React.js. As a React Developer, you can work on building dynamic and interactive user interfaces for web applications.

Concentrate on server-side development using Node.js and Express.js. This role involves implementing backend logic, APIs, and managing server-side operations.

Position yourself as a dedicated MERN Stack Developer, showcasing expertise in MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. This role involves end-to-end development using the MERN technology stack.

Leverage your proficiency in JavaScript across the entire stack to become a JavaScript Developer. This role encompasses both frontend and backend development using JavaScript.

Apply your skills to develop robust and scalable web applications. This role involves working on various aspects of web development, ensuring functionality, performance, and user experience.

Focus on the user interface and user experience aspects of web development. Your React skills can be valuable in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

With experience, transition into a role where you contribute to the architectural design of frontend or backend systems. This involves making strategic decisions to ensure scalability and maintainability.

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Why Us?

Top Class Academy

Proway Academy is the best choice for individuals looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in various fields for several reasons:

At Proway Academy, we provide personalized and innovative education that caters to the unique needs of each student. We believe in creating an environment that encourages creativity, exploration, and critical thinking, which prepares individuals to succeed in their chosen fields.
Our academy offers a wide range of high-quality programs in different fields, including technology, business, and more. Our programs are designed to provide practical training, hands-on experience, and mentorship that help our students achieve their career goals.
Our faculty members are experienced professionals who bring a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise to the classroom. They provide real-world examples and practical advice that help our students excel in their careers.
Our academy has a career-focused approach that prepares our students for the job market. We provide career counseling, job placement assistance, and networking opportunities that help our students secure employment and advance in their careers.
We believe in creating a positive learning environment that fosters growth, creativity, and success for all. Our institution provides a supportive community of learners where students and faculty members collaborate, learn, and grow together.

Technologies You Will Learn

Our Courses are segrated technology wise with experienced intructors in each. From Digital Marketing to Python and from UX/UI Design to Coding, we have covered every details in our programs ensuring you a better career prospects.

Who Should Enroll in MERN Stack Course?

Enrolling in a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Stack course is beneficial for various individuals aiming to establish a career in web development.


Students pursuing a degree in computer science or related fields who wish to gain practical skills in web development using a popular and comprehensive stack.

Continuous Learners

Individuals with a mindset for continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest technologies. The MERN Stack offers a modern and evolving ecosystem for ongoing growth.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Entrepreneurs or business owners who want a comprehensive understanding of web development to effectively manage or contribute to their web-based projects.

Best MERN Stack Course in South Delhi

Our comprehensive program is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a proficient MERN Stack Developer, no matter your current level of expertise.


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MERN Stack Course FAQs

A MERN Stack Course is a comprehensive training program focusing on web development using the MERN technology stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. The course covers both frontend and backend development to create full-stack web applications.

The course is designed for individuals aspiring to become full-stack developers proficient in MERN technologies. It caters to beginners in web development as well as those with prior experience in specific areas such as frontend or backend development.

Topics typically include JavaScript fundamentals, Node.js and Express.js for server-side development, React.js for frontend development, MongoDB for database management, MERN stack architecture, RESTful API development, user authentication, state management with Redux, and deployment strategies.

While prior programming knowledge is beneficial, many MERN Stack Courses are designed for beginners. The courses often start with the basics of web development and JavaScript, making them accessible to individuals with little or no programming experience.

MERN Stack Course covers MongoDB for database management, Express.js for backend development, React.js for frontend development, and Node.js as the runtime environment. These frameworks collectively form the MERN stack used in full-stack web development.

Yes, many MERN Stack Courses include hands-on projects and assignments. These practical components allow learners to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, reinforcing their understanding of the concepts.

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