Best Digital Marketing Course in Delhi

Delhi's Most In-Demand AI-Powered Digital Marketing Course with Job Guarantee

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Master your skills with our Best Digital Marketing Course in Delhi

Job Guaranteed Institute

Job Guaranteed Institute

Delhi's first-ever elite institute with a curriculum covering each and every topic that ever existed in Digital Marketing, with 100% Job Guaranteed.

Industry Best Trainer

Industry Best Trainer

Trainers with industry experience of 15+ years and who have trained 1+ students and worked on various live projects in Digital Marketing.

Well Equipped Infrastructure

Well Equipped Infrastructure

Located at one of the prime location in South Delhi, equipped with a learning-oriented infrastructure designed for real-time exposure.

Why Should You Learn Digital Marketing Course in 2024?

Our programme includes the most recent digital marketing trends and best practises, such as social media marketing, search engine optimisation, email marketing, content development, and more.  With our Best Digital Marketing Course in Delhi: Explore the endless opportunities and build your career by mastering digital marketing skills.

With the ongoing pandemic, more businesses are moving online and therefore, there is an increased demand for digital marketing professionals.

Digital marketing is a rapidly growing field with plenty of career opportunities. From social media marketing to SEO, there are various areas to specialize in and carve out a successful career.

Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. Therefore, businesses are investing more in digital marketing, making it an essential skill to have.

Online digital marketing courses in south delhi provide a gateway to flexible careers. Remote work options enable professionals to work globally, thereby achieving a better work-life balance.

Learning digital marketing course in delhi can also enhance your skillset and make you a valuable asset to any organization. With knowledge of digital marketing, you can better understand consumer behavior and create effective marketing strategies.

Having a strong Digital Marketing skillset is essential for your client, business or in your current profession. Digital marketers with their curated strategies have a capability to turn any start-up to a successful company and brand.

Who Should Enroll Digital Marketing Master Certification Program?

Anyone who is ambitious and wish to enhance their skillset. Students, Professionals, Businessmen, Freelancers and Enterpreneures. Digital Marketing has the potential to boost your growth 10x.
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Why Students Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course?

Why People Who Wants to Switch Career Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course

Why People Who Wants to Switch Career Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course?

Why Housewives Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course

Why Housewives Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course?

Why Graduates Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course

Why Graduates Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course?

Why Business Owners Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course

Why Business Owners Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course?

Why Working Professionals Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course

Why Working Professionals Needs to Join Digital Marketing Course?

Skip the Degree, Build Your Future

Master In-Demand Skills: Gain practical digital marketing expertise, not just theory.

Become Career-Ready: Equip yourself for the jobs businesses need today.

Lifelong Support: We’re with you every step of the way, even after the course.

How Can Proway Academy Make A Difference In Your Career?

Unlock your full potential with tailored career roadmaps.

Earn Your First Job

Earn Your First Job

Proway Academy equips you with real-time digital skills and advanced certifications to land your first job fast.

Expand Your Business

Expand Your Business

Grow your business to new heights organically through strategic online engagement.

Upgrade Your Skills

Upgrade Your Skills

Add digital marketing to your skillset & boost your chances to get a better

Free Consultation Call from our Digital Marketing Expert

Why Choose Proway Academy?

Level Up: Rise above the competition.

Guaranteed 100% Job

60+ Modules

18+ Certifications

Weekday & Weekend Batches

6 Month Course Duration + 2 Month Internship

Paid Themes, Tools & Plugins Support

Mock Interview Sessions

Mentor Hours

100% Lifetime Student Support

100% Money Back Guarantee

Work On Live Projects

Personalized and Innovative Education

High Quality Programs

Experienced Faculty

Career Focused Approach

Positive Learning Environment

Speak to our Digital Marketing Expert for Your Career Guidance Right Now

What Makes Us Different?

Unmatched Features: Discover solutions you won't find elsewhere.

100% Job


100% Lifetime


100% Moneyback

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Digital Marketing Master Certification Course Curriculum

Go Digital: Hands-On Course. 66+ Modules: Learn by doing, from website creation to brand promotion. Master the Fundamentals: Deep dive into comprehensive digital marketing topics.

  • Intro to Marketing
  • Types of Marketing
  • History of Marketing
  • Why Marketing
  • Case Studies of Branding
  • Intro to Digital Marketing
  • Modules of Digital Marketing
  • Why Digital Marketing Buzz
  • Opportunities In India & Growth Projection
  • What is a Business Objective
  • Role of Business Objectives in Digital Marketing
  • Use Cases of Business Objective
  • Basic Guidelines of Article Writing
  • Difference Between Article Writing & Website Content Writing
  • 3 Assignments on Article Writing
  • Impact of Graphics in the Digital World
  • Understanding the Working of Canva
  • Logo Design
  • 5 Hands-on Assignments on Canva
  • Creating Various Graphic Designs for Various Digital Platforms

Part I

  • What is a Domain
  • Types of Domain
  • Historical Importance of Domains
  • Existing Domains Name Usage Scenario

Part II

  • Domain Name Server
  • What is Hosting Space
  • Types of Hosting Space
  • What is an IP Address?
  • Internal Framework of Internet Flow Diagram
  • Introduction to Inbound Marketing
  • Essentials of an Effective Inbound Strategy
  • What are the fundamentals of inbound success?
  • What does inbound success look like?
  • Inbound Marketing Audit
  • Inbound Methodology – ACCD
  • Attract
  • Optimizing for Search
  • Creating Content with a Purpose
  • Fundamentals of Blogging
  • Amplifying Your Content with social media
  • Convert
  • Calls to Action
  • Landing Pages
  • Thank You Pages
  • Close
  • Email Marketing
  • Marketing
  • Inbound Sales
  • Delight
  • Why customer delight is so important?
  • How to delight your customers?
  • Measuring Inbound Performance
  • Important Inbound Metrics
  • Needs of Inbound Marketing
  • Types of Inbound Marketing
  • Initiating Inbound Marketing
  • What is Keyword
  • Types of Keywords
  • What is Website
  • Types of Websites
  • Nomenclature of Digital Marketing Snippets,
  • SERP, Key Metrics DA, PA, LPS etc
  • What is keyword Research?
  • Guidelines for Parameter Selection of Keyword Research
  • Tools Used for Keyword Research
  • Live Exercise Keyword Research on Various Tools

Part I

  • Purchasing a Domain
  • Purchasing a Hosting Space
  • Website Wireframe / SILO Structure
  • Basics of Website Building
  • Why a Content Management System (CMS)

Part II

  • Plugins Setup
  • Page Setup
  • UI Enhancement Using Elementor
  • Additional CSS
  • What is a Search Engine?
  • How does a Search Engine work?
  • SERP Exploration
  • Algorithms for Search Engine
  • Introduction to Basic Ranking Factors
  • Introduction to Keywords
  • Importance of Keywords
  • Types of Keywords
  • Understanding the terms Keyword Density,
  • Keyword Proximity, Keyword Stuffing.
  • Best Practices to Shortlist Keywords Based on Business Objectives
  • Tools for Keyword Research
  • Live Exercise Keyword Research using Various Tools
  • Writing Content as per SEO
  • SEO Content Penalties
  • Live Exercise Writing content
  • Introduction to Blogging
  • Types of Blog Content with Case Studies
  • Niche Research
  • Topic Research
  • Content Curation vs Content Creation
  • Basic HTML Tags Introduction
  • Hierarchy of Header Tags
  • Optimizing Header Tags
  • Anchor Tags Optimization
  • Alt Tag Optimization
  • What do you mean Snippet
  • Types of Snippets
  • Optimizing your Snippets to get more traffic to your website
  • Live Exercise Creating Snippets for the Published Content
  • What is a Sitemap?
  • Types of Sitemaps
  • .xml Sitemap
  • HTML Sitemap
  • Generating Sitemap
  • Submissions of Sitemap to Webmaster
  • What is Google Search Console?
  • Importance of Search Console
  • Analyzing the Website data
  • Live Exercise Connecting your Website with
  • Search Console and get the Insights
  • What is Link Building?
  • Why is link-building important?
  • Types of Link Building
  • Reasons for Analyzing a Competitor in Digital Marketing
  • Extracting the Competitor backlinks
  • Live Exercise Backlink submissions using Competitor links
  • Overview
  • Understanding Search Engine Algorithms
  • How to do Search Engine Algorithms Work
  • Why a Search Engine Needs to be Updated
  • Penalties and Recoveries of Search Engine
  • Reason to Get Your Website Penalized
  • How to get your Site Optimized for Google’s
  • Hummingbird Algorithm?
  • What are Panda and Penguin Algorithms?
  • What are Google’s EMD updates?
  • How Google Updates Affect Website
  • Rankings
  • Major Google Updates from Year 2000 to Till Date
  • How to Stay Uptodate with SEO Updates
  • Doing Site Audit Agency Style
  • Managing Backlinks for Better Tracking
  • Preparing Monthly SEO Reports
  • Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Situation Analysis
  • Audience Analysis
  • Benchmarking
  • Partner Analysis
  • Basic Digital Marketing
  • Understanding the process
  • Evaluating performance
  • Digital Media vs Traditional Media
  • Benefits Of Digital Marketing
  • Latest Digital Marketing Trends
  • Digital Marketing Strategy Creation
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Audit Tools
  • Business Development Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Performance
  • Report Tracking
  • SWOT Analysis of Business Organizations
  • Social Media Strategy (Organic & Paid)
  • Social Media Performance Tracking
  • Youtube Marketing Strategy
  • How to Find Clients
  • Preparing a Work Portfolio
  • Making Custom Proposals
  • Defining Service Pricings
  • Working in House & Outsourcing
  • Introduction to Web Analytics
  • Setting Up Google Analytics
  • Overview of Key GA Reports from Existing Data Other Analytic Tools
  • Live Exercise Analytics Report Audit
  • Introduction to Web Analytics
  • Setting Up Google Analytics
  • Search Console & Google Ads Integration
  • Google Analytics Data Structure
  • Overview Key Terms
  • Studying & Understanding Data Results
  • Setting Up Goals & Conversions
  • Creating Custom Dashboards
  • Introduction to Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  • Setting Up Google Tag Manager
  • Tag Management Basics
  • Creating Triggers and Variables
  • Implementing Tracking Tags
  • Advanced Tag Management Techniques
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting
  • Integrating ThirdParty Tools and Services
  • What is Local SEO
  • Importance of Local SEO
  • Listing the business on Search Engines
  • Creation of Business Listing on Google
  • Importance of NAP
  • Building the backlinks to the listed business on Google
  • Live Exercise Google My Business Page Creation
  • What is Internal Linking
  • Power of Internal Linking
  • What do you mean by Schema on Google?
  • Schema Setup for Google Snippets
  • Validating the Snippet code on the Google Publishers tool
  • What is Search Engine Marketing
  • Difference between SEM & SEO
  • Platforms if SEM
  • Why SEM is Important for Running a Business
  • Push v/s Pull Marketing
  • Role of User Intent in Paid Marketing
  • Types of Google Ads
  • Use Cases of Each Type
  • Which Mode of Google Ads Is the Best for Businesses
  • Conversion Tracking Code Setup

Part I

  • Campaign Setup Basics
  • Location Targeting
  • Ad Groups and Their Importance In a Campaign
  • Extensions
  • Match Types
  • Bidding Strategies

Part II

  • Analysing Search Terms
  • Ad Preview & Diagnosis
  • Negative Keywords
  • Demographics Adjustment
  • Extensions
  • Adjusting Locations
  • Advanced Bidding Adjustments
  • Live Exercise Adjusting
  • Search Ads Optimisation of Ads
  • Best Practices of Writing Ads
  • Effect Of Relevant Keywords On CPC
  • Dynamic Keyword Insertion
  • Search Ads – Advanced Topic
  • Conversion Tracking Code Setup
  • Audience Creation
  • Remarketing List Setup
  • Custom URL Parameters
  • Policy Manager & Billing Settings

Part I

  • Creation of Smart Display Campaign
  • Creation of Standard Display Campaign
  • Creation of Gmail Campaign
  • Location targeting
  • Budget Setup
  • Bidding for Display Campaigns
  • Audience Targeting (demographic, in market, affinity, remarketing)

Part II

  • Keyword Targeting
  • Topic Targeting
  • Placement Targeting
  • Creation of responsive Ad Copy
  • Headline & Description Copywriting
  • Use of CTA Buttons
  • Use of custom Colors
  • Optimizing Landing Page
  • What is social media?
  • History of social media
  • Importance of social media
  • Marketing Opportunities through social media
  • Various types of Advertising through social media {Platforms}
  • Why Facebook is Important for Marketing?
  • Various Account Levels on Facebook
  • Profile
  • Group
  • Page
  • Creating a Facebook Page
  • Optimisation of Facebook Page
  • Facebook Page Insights
  • Live Exercise Creation of a Facebook Page & Getting Insights from the Page Posts.
  • Marketing Ways on the Facebook Platform
  • Setting Up a Facebook Campaign
  • Various Marketing Goals for Successful Business
  • Targeting the Specific Audience on the Facebook Platform
  • Installation of Facebook Pixel Code into the Website
  • Remarketing With Facebook for the Potential Audience
  • Getting the Insights from the Campaigns
  • Why is LinkedIn Important for Marketing?
  • Various Account Levels on LinkedIn
  • Profile
  • Group
  • Page
  • Creating a Business Page on LinkedIn
  • Optimization of LinkedIn Page
  • LinkedIn Page Insights
  • Live Exercise Creation of a Business Page & Getting Insights from the Page posts.
  • Marketing Ways on the LinkedIn Platform
  • Setting Up a LinkedIn Campaign
  • Policies of LinkedIn to Start Marketing
  • Various Marketing Goals to Successful Business
  • Targeting the Specific Audience on the LinkedIn Platform
  • Installation of LinkedIn Pixel Code into the Website
  • Remarketing With LinkedIn for the Potential Audience
  • Getting the Insights from the Campaigns.
  • Why Twitter Is Important for Marketing?
  • Creating a Twitter Account (Business)
  • Optimisation of Twitter Account
  • Twitter Account Insights
  • Live Exercise Creation of a Business Account on Twitter & Getting Insights from the Tweets
  • Marketing Ways on the Twitter Platform
  • Setting Up a Twitter Campaign
  • Various Marketing Goals for Successful Business
  • Targeting the Specific Audience on the Twitter Platform
  • Installation of Twitter Pixel Code into the Website
  • Remarketing With Twitter for the Potential Audience
  • Getting the Insights from the Campaigns.
  • Why Instagram Is Important for Marketing?
  • Creating an Instagram Account (Business)
  • Optimisation of Instagram Account
  • Instagram Account Insights
  • Various Content Ideas for Daily Postings
  • Live Exercise Creation of a Business account on Instagram & Getting Insights from the Posts on Instagram.

  • What is Personal Branding & Influencer Marketing
  • Key Personal Branding Platforms
  • Personal Branding 60 Days Roadmap
  • Making Money with Digital Products
  • Introduction to Influencer Marketing
  • How to Position Self as Influencer
  • Approach an Influencer the Right Way
  • Live Working with Influencer Marketing
  • Introduction to Pinterest Marketing
  • Creating an Effective Pinterest Strategy
  • Pinterest Account Setup and Optimization
  • Content Creation and Curation
  • Pinterest SEO and Keyword Research
  • Building and Engaging with the Pinterest Community
  • Promoted Pins and Advertising on Pinterest
  • Pinterest Analytics and Measurement
  • Pinterest Best Practices
  • Developing a Pinterest Marketing Plan
  • Introduction to Quora Marketing
  • Setting up Quora Profile
  • Quora Content Strategy
  • Writing Effective Quora Answers
  • Building Authority and Reputation on Quora
  • Quora SEO and Keyword Research
  • Promoting Your Content on Quora
  • Monitoring and Analyzing Quora Performance
  • Quora Policies and Best Practices
  • Quora Profile Best Practices
  • Live Exercise Building Quora Profile & Answering Questions
  • Quora Traffic Building Strategies
  • What is Online Reputation Management?
  • Impact of Online Reputation on Sales
  • Why Online Reputation Management?
  • Fundamentals of Online Reputation Management
  • Difference between ORM & SMO
  • Impact of Negative Online Reputation
  • Tools for Online Reputation Management
  • How to find Negative Comments?
  • How to get ORM alerts on a Regular Basis?
  • How to deal with a Negative Online Reputation?
  • Best Strategies for Online Reputation Management
  • Preventive measures in ORM
  • How to be a Brand on the Internet?
  • User Behaviour Study
  • Techniques for Building Brand Reputation
  • Online Sentiment Analysis
  • ORM & Social Media Scheduling Tools
  • Case Study Social Crisis & Response Management
  • Live Exercise Building social media Calendar & ORM Strategy Best social media Tools
  • What is CRO
  • Why Is it so Valuable
  • Why You Should Begin with Gathering Data
  • A/B Testing
  • Basic Marketing Automation Hacks
  • Automating Lead Funnels
  • Setting Up WhatsApp & Chatbot Automation
  • Marketing Automation Tools
  • Introduction to Marketing Automation
  • Tools of Marketing Automation
  • Automation techniques using marketing automation tools
  • User perspective training on a few major one’s Zoho enterprise Salesforce & Marketo
  • Deep know-how on lead squared (sales & Marketing CRM)
  • Overview of Chatbot Apps
  • Introduction and Overview to Growth Hacking
  • Growth Funnel & Tactics Growth Hacking Tools
  • Introduction to Funnels
  • Marketing Funnel Hacks
  • Basic Customer Lifecycle
  • Growth Hacking Framework for Customer Acquisition
  • Growth Hacking Strategies
  • Video Marketing Fundamentals
  • Importance of Video Marketing
  • Types of Videos with Right Purpose
  • Creating Videos
  • How to Upload a Video on a YouTube Channel
  • Checklist for Uploading a Video
  • Various Tools for Extracting the Video Tags of Competitors’ Videos
  • Live Exercise Uploading a Video with the Checklist Provided in session
  • Customization of YouTube wall & Channel
  • Best Practices to Get More Viewers and Subscribers
  • Creation of Playlists and placing them on the YouTube Wall
  • Unlocking the Various Features of YouTube for the Channel Created
  • Live Exercise Creating Playlists
  • Tracking the Performance of your YouTube Channel
  • Various Factors to improve the quality of videos using the Insights of Channel
  • Understanding the Sources for the videos to target your audience
  • Live Exercise Analyzing the Insights from the videos uploaded
  • Can we Earn Money using YouTube?
  • Monetization
  • What are the Eligibility Criteria for Earning Money on YouTube?
  • Becoming a Partner for YouTube in Order to Monetize
  • Creation of AdSense Account
  • Linking the YouTube Channel with the AdSense Account
  • What is AdSense?
  • How does AdSense work?
  • Difference Between AdSense & Affiliate
  • How to create a Google AdSense Account?
  • Prerequisite for AdSense
  • What is an Ad Unit?
  • Different Types of Ad Units
  • AdSense for Mobile Users
  • Creating First Ad Unit
  • AdSense Approval Tricks
  • AdSense Account Optimization
  • Importance of Email Marketing
  • Organizing Mailing List
  • How to Avoid Spam & being Blacklisted
  • A/B Testing
  • Automation of Emails
  • Types Of Email Campaigns
  • How to Engage New Users
  • Email marketing tools & metrics
  • Live Exercise Email Marketing & List Creation
  • What is Affiliate Marketing?
  • How Affiliate Marketing Tracking Works
  • How to find Affiliate Marketing services/products to promote
  • What are Affiliate Networks
  • Affiliate Marketing Tools & Plugins
  • Affiliate Marketing Bidding Strategies
  • Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Earnings
  • How to Earn as a Freelancer
  • Earning Platforms
  • How to get Projects
  • How to Create a Marketing Strategy
  • Publisher Programs
  • Freelance Work Portals
  • Website Audit
  • SEO Audit
  • Social media Audit
  • Website Creation
  • Park Domains
  • Domain Flipping
  • PPC
  • Local Listing
  • Backlink creation
  • Start a 6figure freelance business
  • Earn online with zero investment
  • The perfect strategy to find the project
  • Convince the client
  • Win a contest with special techniques
  • Make high-quality profile
  • Understanding E-commerce
  • Various E-commerce Portals
  • Advantages of E-commerce
  • Product Keyword Research
  • Inventory Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Packaging & Shipping
  • Selling on Online Platforms
  • Uploading Products to Online Marketplace
  • What is e-commerce?
  • Top E-commerce sites far and wide
  • E-commerce situation in India
  • How to do SEO on an e-trade site?
  • Why do you require a strong e-commerce advertising system
  • Right E-commerce promoting methodology
  • What are shopping ads?
  • Getting started with the shopping campaign
  • Adwords setting and account linking
  • Google merchant centre setup
  • Google Shopping Policy Overview
  • Setup feed
  • Utilizing affiliate showcasing to advance your E-commerce business
  • Introduction to Dropshipping
  • Finding Profitable Niches and Products
  • Setting up an E-commerce Store
  • Supplier Management and Order Fulfilment
  • Marketing and Customer Acquisition
  • Analytics and Performance Tracking
  • Building and Managing Customer Relationships
  • Scaling and Growing Your Dropshipping Business
  • Legal and Financial Considerations
  • How to Score Leads for Nurturing
  • Nurturing Leads with Content Marketing
  • What are Leads?
  • Different Methods to Generate Leads
  • Lead Generation in Organic Manner
  • Understanding Target Audience Behaviour
  • Why are Leads Important?
  • Planning Strategies for Lead Generation
  • Online Lead Generation Content Strategy
  • Lead Generation with Paid Tools
  • Leads and Landing Page Landing Page Optimization
  • Do’s and Don’ts for Landing Pages
  • Leads with Offline Media
  • Business Lead Generation
  • 17 Business Lead Generation
  • Types of Testing
  • Conversion Funnel
  • Reporting and Analysis
  • Roadmap from Leads to Sales
  • Introduction to WhatsApp Marketing
  • Introduction to Whatsapp Business Profile
  • Building a WhatsApp Marketing Strategy
  • Setting Up and Optimizing WhatsApp Business Account
  • Growing and Managing Your WhatsApp Subscriber List
  • Crafting Engaging WhatsApp Content
  • Creating a Brand Persona to chat & build a brand buzz
  • WhatsApp Automation and Broadcasts
  • WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns and Promotions
  • WhatsApp Analytics and Performance Tracking
  • Compliance and Privacy Considerations
  • Understanding Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Marketing and Social Media
  • Mobile Marketing Measurement and Analytics
  • Fundamentals of Mobile Marketing
  • Key Industry Terminology
  • Creating a mobile website through WordPress
  • Using tools to create mobile websites
  • Using tools to create a mobile app
  • Advertising on mobile (App & Web)
  • Targeting ads on Apps
  • Targeting ads via location
  • Targeting ads on search engine
  • Content Marketing on mobile
  • Mobile StrategySegmentations option targeting and differentiation
  • Mobile marketing mix
  • SMS marketing
  • Introduction to Mobile
  • Advantages of Mobile
  • Mobile Commerce
  • Mobile Marketing Strategy
  • Tools & Resources
  • Introduction to Mobile App marketing & monetization
  • App store remarketing
  • Ad formats for app advertising How to track app installation App review management Boost SEO for apps
  • Online Media Buying Process
  • Live Exercise Online Media Budget Allocation
  • Overview of Online Media
  • Media Planning Audience Research
  • Media Buying
  • Measuring & Analyzing Reconcile
  • Resume Building
  • Mock Interview Sessions
  • Building a strong LinkedIn profile to shortlist
  • Job Assistance

Part I

  • Creation of Instream Skippable Ads
  • Creation of Video Discovery Ads
  • Creation of Bumper Ads
  • Creation of non-skippable instream Ads
  • Creation of Outstream Ads

Video AdsPart II

  • Location Targeting
  • Budget Setup
  • Bidding for Display Campaigns
  • Audience Targeting (demographic, in-market, affinity)
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Topic Targeting
  • Placement Targeting

Video Ads Part III

  • Frequency Capping Setup
  • Conversion Tracking Code Setup
  • Remarketing Audience Setup

Bonus Modules

Image DM

Best Digital Marketing Master Certification Program in South Delhi​

Look no further than this Digital Marketing course in South Delhi that gives you a comprehensive design to succeed in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Unlock the skills and knowledge you need!

Enhance your skills with Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Delhi

Become a Google & Hubspot Certified Professional

Proway Academy will help and prepare you to clear all these exams.
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Earn your Certificate

On successful completion of the training, you are awarded with a Certificate in Digital Marketing Master Certification Program. The certificate is recognised by top companies and helps in career growth.

Share Your Achievement

Once you get your certificate, you can share it on your online profiles like LinkedIn. Sharing your certification with your connections will help you acquire your dream job.

Semrush Certificate
Google Certificate
Hubspot Certificate

Looking for More Details?

Tools Covered in Digital Marketing Course

Tools which you will learn practically during your entire digital marketing course duration.

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Scribed Tool
GTmetrix Tool
Picsart Tool
Wordpress Tool
Seo Quake Tool
Mailchimp Tool
Semrush Tool
Powtoon Tool
Grammarly Tool
Google Analytics Tool
Canva Tool
Vecteezy Tool
Nichesss Tool
Unbounce Tool
Ahref Tool
Stockunlimited Tool
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What Our Students Have to Say About Attending Our Digital Marketing Course in Delhi


Proway Academy, best digital marketing institute in South Delhi is a gem! The course content is extensive, covering all aspects of digital marketing, and the instructors are experts in the field. I completed the program feeling confident and equipped with the skills needed in the industry. The hands-on projects were invaluable, and I'm now successfully applying my knowledge in the real world. Thank you, Proway, for an outstanding learning experience!

Pavnesh Shrangi

I had a fantastic experience studying digital marketing at Proway Academy. If you're seeking an institute to master digital marketing, Proway Academy should be at the top of your list. When I initially joined, I had limited knowledge about this vast field of marketing. However, through practical training, I was able to grasp the concepts effectively. My time at Proway Academy was incredibly fulfilling. The faculty is extremely supportive and readily addresses any doubts students may have. I'm grateful to be a part of the Proway Academy community.

Khushboo Chaudhary

Proway Academy in South Delhi is a digital marketing powerhouse! The course covers all facets of digital marketing, and the instructors are industry experts who provide valuable insights. The hands-on projects and practical exercises are thoughtfully designed, making the learning experience both enjoyable and effective. Thanks to Proway, I am now working in a dynamic digital marketing role, and I couldn't be happier with my career journey.

Sandhya Guatam

Proway Academy undoubtedly earns its reputation as the best digital marketing institute in South Delhi! Completing their digital marketing course was an absolute game-changer for me. The trainers are exceptionally skilled, offering practical training that truly enhances understanding. Their curriculum is top-notch, keeping pace with the ever-evolving industry trends and tools. For anyone aspiring to excel in digital marketing, I wholeheartedly endorse Proway Academy.

Bharat Chaudhary

Proway Academy stands out as a premier digital marketing institute in South Delhi. The course structure is comprehensive, and the instructors provide personalized attention to ensure everyone grasps the concepts. The institute's commitment to hands-on learning and industry exposure gave me a competitive edge in the job market. I'm now employed in a digital marketing role that aligns perfectly with my career goals.

Ravi Kumar

Proway Academy's digital marketing course was a valuable learning experience for me. Ma'am is very friendly and approachable, and she's always willing to answer my questions and provide guidance. The course content was well-organized and easy to follow, even for someone with no prior experience in digital marketing. Overall, I would recommend Proway Academy to anyone looking for a solid foundation in digital marketing.

Upasana Gautam

As someone wishing to enter the world of digital marketing, joining Proway Academy, the best Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi proved to be an invaluable choice. The instructors were not just proficient in their domains but also adept communicators, simplifying tough concepts and keeping the learning process lively. Their real-world expertise and insights enriched the course, equipping me with a thorough comprehension of diverse digital marketing platforms and tactics.

Nimisha George

Proway Academy, situated in south extension, Delhi, is a gem for aspiring digital marketers. The blend of a vibrant learning environment and a curriculum crafted for real-world applications sets it apart. The institute's commitment to excellence and the seamless integration of theory with practical experience. Proway Academy is not just an educational institution; it's a beacon for those seeking excellence in digital marketing.

Suzen Baig

Proway Academy's digital marketing course exceeded my expectations. The faculty is experienced, the curriculum is industry-relevant, and the real-world projects allowed me to build a portfolio that impressed potential employers. The institute's placement assistance was invaluable, and I secured a fantastic position in a renowned digital marketing firm. Grateful for the skills and opportunities Proway provided!

Janice Mathew

The best digital marketing course at Proway Academy in South Extension! The modules are comprehensive, covering everything from SEO, social media marketing, google ads, Dropshipping etc.... Shivani mam is very supportive, and the hands-on projects provided a practical understanding of the concepts. I am now working in a reputable digital marketing agency, and I credit Proway for laying the foundation for my success in this dynamic field.


Enrolling in the digital marketing course at Proway Academy in South Delhi was the best decision for me. The course offers a detailed and hands-on approach to learning digital marketing. Our instructor, Shivani Ma'am, is a genuine expert in the field whose teaching style encourages engagement and enjoyment in learning. Proway Academy stands out as one of the best digital marketing institutes in South Delhi. Shivani Ma'am's approachability and supportiveness create a positive environment where students can freely ask their doubts and clarify their projects. A heartfelt thank you to Shivani Ma'am for her invaluable guidance.

Digital Marketing Course FAQs

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels such as social media, search engines, email, and websites to promote products or services.

No, prior experience is not usually required to enroll in a digital marketing course in south delhi. However, some courses may have prerequisites or recommend basic knowledge of marketing concepts.

Taking a digital marketing course in south delhi can help you develop new skills, stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, and enhance your career prospects.

After completing a digital marketing course in delhi, you can pursue various job roles such as digital marketing specialist, social media marketer, content marketer, email marketing specialist, and digital marketing manager.

After completing a digital marketing course in south delhi, you can develop skills such as digital strategy development, analytics, social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and content creation.

It depends on the course. Some courses may require you to have access to specific software or tools, while others may provide access to these tools as part of the course.

The duration of Digital Marketing Master Certification (DMMC) Course depends on type of batch you choose. If you choose Weekday Batch (Mon-Thu, 1 - 1.5 Hrs)- It will take 6 - 7 months to complete the course. If you choose Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun, 2 - 2.5 Hrs)- It will take 9 - 10 Months to complete this course.

Yes, you can definitely do digital marketing course in delhi after 12th Class. Students can even join Digital Marketing Master Certification Program if they are computer & internet savvy or have interest in Social Media or Digital Marketing. This course demands your determination, a passion to perform, dedication, and genuine efforts and hunger to learn.

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Digital Marketing Master Certification Program in Delhi Overview

Overview Of Digital Marketing Master Certification Course In South Delhi:

An overview of a digital marketing course can be broken down into three key areas: what you’ll learn, the benefits of taking the course, and what to consider when choosing one.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Core Digital Marketing Channels: These are the fundamental tools and tactics used in online marketing, like:
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results.
    • Social Media Marketing (SMM) – Creating engaging content and strategies for social media platforms.
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising – Running targeted ads on search engines and social media.
    • Content Marketing – Crafting valuable content (articles, videos etc.) to attract and convert leads.
    • Email Marketing – Building email lists and sending targeted email campaigns.
    • Web Analytics – Measuring and analyzing website traffic and marketing campaign performance.
  • Additional Skills: Depending on the course, you might delve into:
    • Marketing Automation – Using software to automate repetitive marketing tasks.
    • E-commerce Marketing – Strategies specific to marketing online stores.

Benefits of Taking a Digital Marketing Course:

  • Gain In-Demand Skills: Learn the skills employers are actively seeking in the digital marketing job market.
  • Career Advancement: Qualify for new job opportunities or climb the ladder in your current role.
  • Stay Updated: Gain insights into the latest trends and strategies in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.
  • Practical Knowledge: Many courses offer hands-on learning through projects and assignments, giving you practical experience.